Wednesday, September 18, 2013

365 - 261 = 104 Items more to reach my goal by the end of December 2013

Rather than posting my clutter every day, I like getting it done all at once, so I don't clutter up everyone's Facebook pages.  And it is rewarding to see that I get closer to my goal every time I post.  

I have always enjoyed the results of getting rid of clutter, but this makes it more memorable.  It reminds me a certain amount of clutter cannot be helped, but I do not have to let it rule over my life and household.  Moreover, I am reminded to be careful what I bring into the house.  Some people use the rule of thumb:  "Bring in an item, get rid of an item."  I am not quite there yet, but that is a great idea if you have clutter everywhere.

Ridding yourself of clutter will make you feel a bit lighter.  It will give you a sense of freedom, and it certainly makes cleaning easier.  Jump right in.  You don't have to get rid of five things in a day.  Just start with the idea of disposing of one item of clutter each day.  That will add up in a year.

                23 more items are leaving the Bolton household.
I think Christmas shoppers are going to like this garage sale, 
which I plan to have the first Saturday in October.  I 
have read that the best time to have a garage sale is the
first Friday or Saturday after the 1st or the 15th of the month.
I am pricing as I put things aside, all I will
 have to do is put the things on display that day.


  1. What a great idea! I found your blog through a guest post and have enjoyed it thus far. I fight clutter every day. I have never had a guest blogger before, like ever. But if I did I would want it to be a real clutter crime fighter not a .com that spins out 50 articles a week.
    Your story rocks.
    Pam aka Momma

    1. Thank you, Pam. I took a look at your blog, and I like it. I have found it's easier to keep up with housework when I keep things simple. I love reading about how other people get it done.


Thank you for your comments. Deborah