I need a place to talk about decluttering my surroundings, and hopefully to inspire you as you declutter yours. I need to be honest about how hard this is for me, especially when my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome flare up. However, keeping life simpler is not for just the ill: it is for those who are well and slightly clutter impaired like me. Until the last few years, I have always managed to hide the clutter; but I have never truly been rid of it. I realize our definitions of clutter may be different. What's cluttered to me, may be your curio cabinet. And that's OK.
I hope you will join me, and we can encourage one another. I have tried to keep up with various methods of keeping house that overwhelm me on my worst days. When I was young, I could be the one or two day wonder, ready for company; however, it wasn't until I had a very large basement, I never worried about someone dropping in unannounced. Of course, I was a little perfection obsessed. Guess what! I'm over that. 'Tis an impossible thing to achieve; however, there are times I would hate for anyone to see how messy my house has gotten.
By the way, I don't plan to email you long lists of things to buy that will help you clean. Nor will I tell you my method is the best method. In fact, I would appreciate your input on my new Facebook page. Just click on the button below.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart with us.