Monday, May 5, 2014

Encouragement to Start Your Weekly Decluttering

Everyday is a new day.  Maybe, you do not have enough energy or time to get the clutter out of your house or clean your house for hours upon hours.  However, if you can walk or even if you are in a wheel chair, you can throw away one thing, donate one item, or put away one thing at a time.  I have an out of the way place where I collect enough items to take for donation.  I use boxes or bags to collect those items.  I do not let them just pile up, making that another place of clutter.  They have to go when the boxes or bags are full.  The best time I have found for making donations is on the way to the store.  Sometimes, I ask my husband to take them if I do not feel well.

If you de-clutter 15 minutes a day it will make a difference.  If you miss a day or two, don't get frustrated.  Jump in where you are.  The same goes for cleaning house.  Work for a few minutes at a time.  If 15 minutes is too long, start with 5 minutes.

I know how it feels to do very little and you cannot stand another minute.  Now, I am able to work for 15 minutes at a time and do several things during a day.  However, that changes from time to time, depending on how I have slept, depending on whether I have overdone, or depending on whether I have an additional illness.  If you have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue syndrome, you know how it is.

More Clutter Gone
#2 The basket stays, but the papers and catalogs go.
If only the rest of the family would use it, 
a basket
 is a great way to keep the paper clutter in check.
#3 I have decided to let decorating for Easter go,
 when it means keeping little bags of eggs and things around.
They are hard to keep track of.  Nice flowers or just keeping
the house clean without the hassle is conducive to a better holiday.

#4 is a cracked plastic
 container.  I put the
things inside of it away.

61 Items Decluttered in 2014


  1. Thank you for the encouragement! I really needed to read that this morning. I enjoy your blog posts. :)

    1. It is my pleasure. And, thank you for dropping by. ~Deborah


Thank you for your comments. Deborah