Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Book and Old Bath Salts

 Good-bye to the book that sat in a basket for a year.  


Bath Salts, I enjoyed you in our deep tub, but now it is time to say adieu.  It is just easier to take a shower, and I have to keep moving you around.

Will I find 356 items I need to give away or throw away by the end of this year?  I had already gone through many items before and after we moved.
I am excited to find out, especially now that I am getting closer to 100.  And I haven't included all the trash bags of shredded receipts and things.  Hmm...maybe, I should include some of those bags.  After all, that's a heap of clutter.


  1. Hi Debbie, when did you move. We just moved too. I ended up in the hospital for a week right after the closing. Luckily we had time to get our things out slowly, but I am stuck now with things in boxes everywhere. It was so nice here before all the stuff came. And we did have a garage sale and threw away a LOT of stuff! Uggh!

  2. I move a year and a half ago. I was in horrible pain when we moved in Sept., 201l and I had hip replacement surgery in December, 2011. So between that, CFS, and FM, I am so slow; however, I am finally getting there.

    1. I admire your inspiration, I keep working at it, baby steps...


Thank you for your comments. Deborah