Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Pretty and the No Longer Necessary -- Items #106, #107, #108

 This item I bought to sell when I had a resale booth, but decided I could use the picture for a while. However, it no longer fits, so it's time for it to enter the resale world again--giving it to the thrift shop.

Ah, the cup!
It took me a while,
but it is time.
This decluttering
process is
important to me.
How simple can I
make things?  When
will I know to let
up?  I'm not sure
yet. I will have
to wait and see.

So how many of you 

hate going through
old boxes of papers? 
Me too. But if you 
truly want to 
declutter,it goes 
along with the job. 

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