Monday, April 8, 2013

No Vacillating Here They are not going to be used again. Day 21 - 23.

 I could be obsessive compulsive about this process and count papers and things like that;  but I am trying to get rid of the hidden things and the things I sometimes convince myself would be worth saving.


These are 3, actually 4 items that should have been tossed 6 months ago.  Actually the blue cologne is so old, it should have been thrown out 5 years ago.  Cologne does get old, and obviously this didn't get used much.

The catnip is another matter.  I have wonderful memories of out sweet kitty rolling in catnip and playing with her mice that had marinated in it.  Sweet kitty died last November.  She lived a long life for a kitty, and she took care of her family. She was the comforter cat.

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